We are going to take a brief departure from the best practices we have focused this blog on to take a look at the inevitable belt tightening and workforce reduction that has finally come to the sports industry, with the latest cuts being at the NFL, which announced a 150 person deduction in workforce todaymlb.com which laid off staff on Friday. That doesn’t count the potential shuttering of the Rocky Mountain News, the Tribune Company's bankruptcy. the potential closing of the Miami Herald or Newsday cutbacks which caused the loss of great columnists like Shaun Powell and Johnette Howard.?As someone who was outfront in the layoff world when the IFL went under in early August, I understand the anxiety, the uncertainess and the worry that this does for those of us in an industry that many thought was recession-proof. Therefore, from first hand experience, just some thoughts.
1- Get ready for the rainy day.2- Network.If someone helps you, go help two others.
3-.Treat People As People.Bad habit that should be broken.
4- Don’t pidgeon hole yourself.Sports is great, but its diversity and explaining that diversity that makes the most appealing candidate.
5- You Are Not Alone.“The Power of Who” by Bob Beaudine.This remains a great industry with great fun and lots of potential for growth, but it remains a business more today than ever and we all must remember that, stay positive and keep fighting the good fight.