Other than opening day and the start of the playoffs there is probably not one other in-season day that garners more attention in baseball or hoops than trading deadline day. Like National Signing Day in college for football, there is a media frenzy with speculation, rumor, blockbuster trades, hurried press conferences and lots of attention, whether your team is good or not. In recent years, media entities like ESPN and CBS College have gone to great lengths to brand and activate on signing day, but why not on trading deadline da. Granted many trades do happen the day before or a few days before, but the activity leading up to the deadline, which is a hard and fast time, is phenominal, and summary shows, best trades/worst trades, smartest mover, smartest not to move etc., could all be packaged together for brands that well…spend a lot of money in sports.
Auto Trade. ETrad. Geic. All have businesses built around sports activation and trading. Heck, a smart brand could even come in and scoop up some low cost viral activation programs among the best cities were trades were made or not made. Even ticketing companies should be involved. Think of all the new signage that gets handed out in arenas as welcome placards, or all the background signage that gets shot at press conferences. Lots of real estate to be had and opportunities to grow a brand for the right company at a time of year…one in late February and one in early August…that is relatively slow in the sports space.
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