I was on a call with a colleague this week as I usually am on a Monday. It was just a usual check-in, see what transpired over the weekend and what lies ahead in the fast and fluid business. She asked me something that surprised me but which I actually took great pride in.
“What are you worried about for us this week?”

While some may take that as a slight, I take it quite the opposite. As people are caught up in the day to day its important for people to be looking ahead, watching the rain clouds and making sure the sun stays bright. It reminded me of the lines in the Mac McInally song “It’s My Job” that Jimmy Buffet did so well. Someone has to do a little bit of the worrying.
The best organizations always have someone with a seat at the table watching for the opportunities and the challenges, and then figuring out how to meld and frame the best of with the challenges. It’s not someone always looking down, usually it’s someone helping to learn and strive and push for the best, and seeing things that others may be missing.
We are in a world of cheerleaders, and while we all have to be enthusiastic and positive, you have to be realistic and know how to learn from the bumps even more than the smooth. It’s not about being morose or always looking for something to go wrong and dragging people down, it’s about balance and making sure that everyone is in a best position for realistic success.
I’ll gladly take the bumps, it makes the smooth ride even more satisfying.
I’ll do the worrying, you keep fighting the good fight.
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